Frequently asked questions: Pupil account

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What is Music Tutor's Hero?

Your music tutor has signed up to Music Tutor's Hero, a revolutionary online digital toolkit for the modern independent instrumental music tutor. The cloud based, PC, tablet and mobile friendly Personal Organiser is perfect for all your music lesson needs.

There's no software to install — it's all available at the click of a mouse or a tap of the screen from any web browser and because all your lessons, media files and records are stored securely in the cloud you can access your profile anywhere, anytime from any device that can connect to the internet.

Pupil Profile

What is a pupil profile?

Your Pupil Profile allows you to log in and view your own information only. Profiles are not viewable by the public — they can be viewed only by the pupil (and where applicable, their parents) and the tutor.

Profiles help pupils measure progress providing an environment where all lesson information is documented, transparent and easily accessible.

Your music tutor will create your pupil profile and give you the username and password you will need to log in. They will create an initial password for the profile. If you wish, you can change this after logging in.

Log into your account and gain access to the pupil profile your tutor has set up for you.

This includes the following:

  • Your tutor's profile information — contact your tutor quickly and easily
  • Lesson calendar — see your next lesson and receive automatic lesson reminders
  • Lesson notes — view each lesson's notes and music lesson history
  • Media — view and play any media your tutor has attached to a lesson for you
  • Invoices — see your paid or unpaid lesson invoices

Who can view my pupil profile?

A pupil and (where applicable) their parents and your tutor can view your pupil profile. The profile is not open to the public.


How much does it cost?

Music Tutor's Hero is free to all pupils of music tutors who subscribe to Music Tutor's Hero online services.

Lesson reminders

Will I receive a lesson reminder?

Yes. All scheduled lessons on the tutor's calendar will receive an automatic email reminder.

How can I cancel/disable Email Reminders?

Please contact your tutor and request the reminders be turned off.

Lesson pages

What will I find on a lesson page?

Here you will find your lesson information including date, time, venue plus any lesson notes written by your tutor relating to each lesson. Your tutor may add media files and youtube clips also.


Where will I find the invoices my tutor created for me?

You will find your latest music lesson invoice and invoicing history within your ‘Invoice' area. Depending on the package your tutor has subscribed to, you can display or download a PDF of your invoices too.

Also your latest invoice will be displayed on your homepage dashboard displaying a paid or unpaid symbol.


Your media library is created by your music lesson tutor.

Find all media (documents, jpegs and videos) added to your lessons by your tutor in your media library.

Media files added to lessons will appear on the lesson page too.